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Writer's pictureMelissa

PSG Winter Regional Championships 2018

Updated: Feb 18, 2018

This week, G and I, had a successful trip to Merrist Wood for the PSG Winter Regionals.

We didn't have the best prep, as too close to the show we realised his saddle wasn't fitting completely - he has recently filled out over his back a lot. So after fiddling with other saddles, we made the decision to go ahead with his normal saddle and sort out a new saddle after the show.

I felt this effected our way of going as G couldn't work through his body properly however G has a heart of gold and still gave me as much as he could!

The weather at our regional's was awful, so the Merrist Wood warm up arena was completely flooded. However, the day still ran smoothly and despite the rain the stewards all still had smiles on their faces!

In the warm up, because G knows his job so well I dont have to drill him. I spend time walking and stretching him before picking him up for short bursts, making sure he is switched on and then putting him back down again and walking. I use gear changes within the canter to check G's reaction speed is quick enough and to improvement the engagement of the canter.

Our test was relatively mistake free, i was really pleased with the canter tour, especially the second pirouette (I haven't got my test sheet yet, but i will be interested to see the marks!) I think we will have lost marks in the walk and walk pirouettes and the extended trots, however it is all a work in progress as this is only our 6th show together.

We ended up just out of the top 10 and scored 66.3% amongst tough competition. I am super grateful to G's owner Naomi Vance Webb for the opportunity to get back out competing at this level. I can't wait to see what we can do in the rest of 2018!


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